Thank you very much for visiting the Anti-Corruption Party's website. This party has been established to fight against evils like corruption, drug mafias, sand mafia, monopoly on transport cable industry, etc. The money looted from the public goes back to the public. The Gurdwara Board and other holy Gurudwaras will be looted. The Gurdwara Parbandhak Board will be formed all over the world to manage the board. Notified and local committees will be managed by the local Sangat. Your cooperation is required.


When a religion comes under the influence of corruption, it cannot be called a religion. It is used as a shield against corruption. Righteousness is lost. After a while, such politics-influenced religion dissolves. There are countless examples of this in history. To save religion, it must be saved from politics. The only solution is to keep religion separate from politics.

For the purpose of separating religion and politics, it is necessary to enact legislation that no political party or political person will be allowed to interfere in religious affairs or places of worship. If a politician is found to be interfering in religious matters, he may be disqualified as MLA, Minister or Chief Minister.

In order to liberate religious institutions from politicians, according to the said law, no politician can be a partner in the selection or management of any religious institution. But a politician can become the manager of a religious institution 5 years after retiring from politics. A member or administrator of a religious institution may participate in any election related to the Vidhan Sabha or any other government arrangement only after 5 years of retirement from his religious institution.

Every village should have the right to manage its places of worship according to its needs. . The Badal government had taken away this right of the people

Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, has given equality to all Sikhs and has given them the right to enjoy the honor of equality. The Akali Dal and the Akali Dal government have repeatedly used the word "patit" to assert their grip on Gurdwara Sehiban. Patit means "fallen". No one has fallen in Sikhism. Therefore, some Sikh scholars have demanded a ban on the term.

Being an ordinary Sikh, becoming an Amritdhari Sikh, becoming a Sahajdhari Sikh depends on the Sikh's own will and circumstances. According to Gurbani, no human being can fall. By occupying a large part of the Sikh Panth untouchables, religious shrines are being occupied. The government should ban the word 'patit'. Its use should be made a crime. The Sikh Gurdwara Act should be amended.

Sections 90 and 91 of the Sikh Gurdwara Act, 1925, specify certain conditions for the members to be elected and nominated for boards and committees. Article 92 determines the eligibility of a Sikh to vote. According to this, every person who is a Sikh, believes in Sikhism, writes himself a Sikh, writes his caste and tribe Sikh, like Jat Sikhs, Mazhabi Sikhs, Ramdasia Sikhs, etc. had the right to vote.

However, in 2003, the Parkash Singh Badal Group, insisting on the Manmohan Singh government, on October 8, 2003, through Notification 1190, amended the section that a Sikh who drinks alcohol and shaves his beard does not have the right to become a voter.

In addition to this, a form has been prescribed for becoming a voter under this section through which the voter has to give an affidavit stating that he / she is bound by the stated rules and conditions. Approved forms are recorded on a register. Only registered Sikhs can vote.

Although registration is the responsibility of the Punjab Government under the Act, but as per illegal and confidential practice, this right has been transferred to the Board. Thus, 90 per cent of the Sikhs of the entire Sikh Panth have been deprived of their inalienable, legal, constitutional rights.

Even under the current Act, Sikhs living in every part of the world have the right to vote. If voting for the Parliament of India, for the Assembly, can be done by post, then why can't Sikhs choose their religious institution by post. According to a survey, there may be a small number of Sikhs around the world who will be smoking. But according to a survey, the Akali Dal, in order to assert its grip on places of worship, has about a quarter of the recruiters, smokers, non-Sikhs, non-Punjabis, in the Sikh community's right to vote.

In Sikhism, prohibition of alcohol means prohibition of drugs. The white river of drugs flowed in Punjab during the Badal government. Three-quarters of Sikh youth has been turned into ghori. More than one million Sikh youth have been killed alive, rendered youthless. Drug traffickers have been given the status of the best Sikhs and taken over the government and the board. But a large number of Sikhs have also been deprived of the right to vote in gurdwara elections by issuing a fatwa declaring them guilty of drinking alcohol.

By the order of Badal Sahib, the Jathedars of the Takhts are removed and new ones are appointed. With Badal's chit, the president and members of the board are appointed. Badal Sahib himself is an alcoholic every day. If any MLA close to Badal Sahib puts his hand on the head of his child and says that Badal Sahib does not drink alcohol, I will pay every punishment prescribed by him.

During the wars, Dasam Pita had instructed the Yujaru Singhs to file a case. But there is no authentic evidence in history of Sikhs being ordered to keep their hair strictly in secret or in their homes. Hair can be cut for any reason other than your hair.

I want to give my torch. About 25 years ago, I was admitted to PGI due to a head injury. He stayed among the nations for 10 days. Dr. C. Cock, head of neurology, was not ready to operate on me. He was a Christian, he considered it a religion to save a survivor instead of a dead person. With great difficulty he was persuaded for the operation. Haircuts are a must. When he regained consciousness, he said that there was a clot larger than three inches. It cannot be broken. But it can be kept alive by keeping it soft. Massage with olive oil and take a warm bath three times a day for as long as you want to live. That is why hair cannot be kept.

I have never drunk alcohol in my life. (Only Badal Sahib and two other celebrities when I was forced to stay with them). I would like to ask Badal Sahib, am I a heretic? . Does Badal Sahib consider himself Pavitra Al Pavitra, Utam Al Mahan, Sikh?

Every adult Sikh who believes in Sikhism, who was born into a Sikh family, considers himself a Sikh and writes, has the social and religious right to vote and to take care of his places of worship.

The Tenth Guru Sahib has taught his Sikhs to respect every religion and to fight against oppression. The same teaching is obtained from the study of Guru Granth Sahib. Indian law also gives every citizen the freedom to live, write and speak with religious freedom. Then why should a politician have the right to follow a religion or sect according to his orders. If the politician is happy, he should loot billions of rupees. But if he is angry, then make such means that the very existence of any religion or sect can be destroyed. Captain Sarkar needs to make legal changes to restore the rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in Punjab, which has been called Ramraj in history. But Captain Sarkar has made it his royal religion to protect corruption.