Thank you very much for visiting the Anti-Corruption Party's website. This party has been established to fight against evils like corruption, drug mafias, sand mafia, monopoly on transport cable industry, etc. The money looted from the public goes back to the public. The Gurdwara Board and other holy Gurudwaras will be looted. The Gurdwara Parbandhak Board will be formed all over the world to manage the board. Notified and local committees will be managed by the local Sangat. Your cooperation is required.


Punjabi brothers, sisters, and youth.

I would like to bring to your notice why Punjab fell victim to corruption.

Values ​​that were considered evil about 20 years ago are now considered good. People have embraced corruption. People think that nothing can be done without money. Today's state of Punjab is called Mafia State. Mafia is a French word meaning a group that takes possession of another's property, business, money, illegally, by coercion.

Today, various amnesty gangs have sprung up in Punjab. They do all kinds of hooliganism for their own prosperity. The government has given full patronage to these groups. All kinds of deeds are done by these groups at the behest of the ruler. Offerings are also made to the rulers. The ruler considers it necessary to maintain factionalism even in these groups. If one tries to retreat, his thorn is removed from his rival gang.

Anyone who speaks out against these gangs is doomed to death or imprisonment. Opposition parties are also afraid to speak out against these groups or their caretaker government. Some politicians see their welfare and economic benefits in maintaining internal alliances with these groups and their guardian government. An internal scrutiny of such leaders and their parties is the main duty of the voters today towards the upliftment and reforms of Punjab.

But one thing is clear, if you want to do something for Punjab, cast your vote for the local party. Choose an honest and patriarchal party from the local parties. Leaders of national parties make a variety of claims when it comes to voting. But his party, being a national party, cannot sacrifice its other states for the sake of a particular state.

               For instance, the Congress has ruled India for almost 55 years. Punjabi has been the Minister of Defense, Home Minister, Prime Minister and Husband of the Nation for a very long time. But the Center could not accept even a small facility for Punjab. That Punjab is the leading state in agriculture. It needs water. There is a lot of water in the earth. The sacks need electricity. It should get one or two atomic plants. But not given. While in many states a dozen plants have been and are being set up.

Now it is difficult to decide which party will be the real interest of Punjab. This can be gauged from the background of the party chief, his manifesto, and his words and deeds. Giani Zail Singh ruled the Punjab for five years but it was a time of emergency. Barnala Sahib and Beant Singh had an atmosphere of rebellion in the Punjab for about five years.

               Only Badal Sahib got a chance to rule with complete independence. Who have ruled Punjab for about 18 years. Therefore, comparing Badal Sahib's state with that of any other Chief Minister would be unreasonable. In other words, Badal Sahib is responsible for the current situation in Punjab.

Some heroes are often heard saying that no one should do good. How do you know if someone will steal less? Viro! There is a very easy way to identify the real and the fake. Every election is dominated by a local issue which becomes an election issue. Corruption and looting are rampant in Punjab at present. Each party has to choose one of two missions. The first mission is the eternal independence of Punjab from corruption and looting. The second mission is to cut the north and I will climb. You looted, now it's my turn.

At the risk of their lives, the leaders of the first mission party raise their voices against corruption. Legislation is made to eradicate corruption. Corruption is exposed to the public and their atrocities and black deeds are exposed. To inspire people to fight against corruption and oppression. In every particle of them, hatred for corruption, oppression, looting is evident. There is no difference between their deeds and their words. Their background and history confirm this.

Leaders with other missions have no program at all. They have no history or background. Their inner sympathy for corruption is evident. They never speak openly against corruption, oppression, etc. They have no revolutionary program. Their welfare lies in maintaining the existing structure. He could not say what his party would do if a government was formed. Understand the answer yourself. The answer is clear that just as the first one looted, so we will loot.

Viro, don't be a party in any way. Be a judge. Listen to everyone Examine everyone's words and deeds. Ask for their party program. See their selection manifesto. The reality will come to you automatically, whose mission it is.

You stand at a turning point. You have to decide whether you want to get out of the well and fall into the account, or to liberate Punjab from the rogue monarchy? Badalshahi is the well of mafia, looting, corruption. It is sure to be wiped out in 2019. The question is what to do after the defeat of the Badalshahi. Kejriwal's intention is only to plunder Punjab. No honest leader who hopes to take care of a state is robbed in this way. If you really want to liberate Punjab from mafia groups, you have to create your own Punjab leadership. Create your own Punjab leader who has the ability to eradicate corruption.