Thank you very much for visiting the Anti-Corruption Party's website. This party has been established to fight against evils like corruption, drug mafias, sand mafia, monopoly on transport cable industry, etc. The money looted from the public goes back to the public. The Gurdwara Board and other holy Gurudwaras will be looted. The Gurdwara Parbandhak Board will be formed all over the world to manage the board. Notified and local committees will be managed by the local Sangat. Your cooperation is required.

76. Under the National Conspiracy, Rajewal is wreaking havoc on Punjab's farmers and youth.

The central government should shift from liberalism to facts.

For other related articles on Punjab de Bhakhde Masle i.e. Kisan agitation anD the three agro bils, Whether these bills are boon or curse for Punjab agriculture and economy etc. BeAdbi of Shri GurI Granth Swahib Ji and related matters. Please go to PUNJAB DE BHADE MASLE.

The situation in Punjab is becoming like August 1947. Sukhbir Captain Lakhowal Rajewal conspired to make Rajewal chairman of the Mandi Board and to remove Lal Singh. But with the Rajewal gang having immense money and immense national support, now want to become Master Tara Singh. Master Ji first incited sikhs to take Lahore for the sake of Gurdwaras in Lahore. It was propagated that if all the Muslims to were expelled from the Punjab, then the boundary of the eastern and western Punjab would become Ravi. When the situation became hot, he cut the Haideri flag, flying over the Lahore fort, and drove himself to Amritsar. He provoked the Sikh Sangat at Amritsar and further whole of Punjab, that all Sikhs have been killed in Lahore, we should also take revenge. Such a fire ignited that one million Sikh Hindus were killed.

Now Rajewal Sahib is also desperate to start such a fire. However, all the three agriculture bills could prove to be a boon for the farmers of Punjab. The Mandi Board consumes one tenth of every farmer's crop. These billions of rupees are being looted every year by looters like Badal Captain Lakhowal Rajewal. The Mandi Board has abolished all the basic rights of the farmer. All the facilities of the farmer have been abolished on behalf of Mandi Board. The Mandi Board is slavery to the farmer. This is a thousand times bigger jizya for the farmer. But Mandi Board is boon to the luters of Punjab. The Rajewal gang is misleading the gullible farmer, for the safety of its loot. Is looting a sacrifice?.

This idea of ​​mine is not political. These are the emotions in my mind. I have my coviction. Further details of my views on Kisan Morcha can be found in my articles in this chapter. These articles have been written on my Facebook portal a long time ago. Which has been confirmed and praised by thousands of friends. It is in this spirit that almost 90 per cent of the farmers have withdrawn from the Singhu Border front. But Rajewal Sahib seems more getting excited. As if he is gaining the support of a great power. That is the validity of my views.

Maybe some friends will think why I am not saying anything about Ugrahan Sahib and Kisan Mazdoor Sanghars Samiti. The reason for this is that both the organizations were not made partners in the conspiracy hatched by Sukhbir Capttain Lakhowal and Rajewal. The second thing to do is that both these organizations are holding a peaceful protest. They are not getting along like the Rajewal gang. They exist only to expose the Rajewal National Conspiracy. Unlike Rajewal Sahib, they are not betraying the youth on every day. The manpower of these groups is hundred times more than all groups under the Rajewal. The Rajewal Group has only two or three hundred trolleys. But every day Singhu stage gets upset. I will prove these facts in my videos.

How many times Rajewal Sahib has said that "If I opened my mouth, you can't even imagine what will happen". Just because of this fear no conscientious Sikh dares to call wrong to wrong. My conscience is awake. I am ready to sacrifice at Rajewal Sahib's slaughter house. Rajewal Sahib is the killer of hundreds of innocent farmers. He is guilty of fabricating false cases on hundreds of youth, like Sidhu Lakha, etc. Dozens of times he have betrayed their own farmers. A Facebook post shows that Rajewal Sahib has taken about Rs 100 crore or more from corporate houses. All friends must have seen this post. In which a man is saying that Rakeesh Tikait has got Rs 80 crore through him. Rakesh did not deny this.

This is about the time when Tikait was an ordinary member of Rajewal group. Rajewal was a super leader. These are the days when the kisan leaders left Delhi and went to gather people in their respective states. One side of roads were vacated for common transport. What was the real reason? It is clear that if Tikait Sahib had received Rs 80 crore, then the Supreme Leader Rajewal Sahib would have received between Rs 100 crore and Rs 200 crore. That is why all the leaders withdrew from Delhi. All roads were opened unilaterally. Was this amount distributed among the farmers? Was Rs 20 lakh distributed to all the martyrs? Isn't this a betrayal of farmers?

The Rajewal gang is spreading Hindu-Sikh hatred by making inflammatory speeches under the slogan "Save the Farmers, Save the Land". Dirty manure is being dropped in a Hindu's house. Someone is being beaten. Someone is being ridiculed for by making him naked. No Hindu feel peace of mind, due to crucial activities by Kisan leaders. No function can perform. No one can go to anyone's house. No guest can be hospitable.

 Rajewal's parallel government is running in Punjab. Captain Sahib has no ability to do more than make new statements about Corona every day. Rajewal Sahib's orders are reaching the officers through Captain Sahib's personal secretaries MP Singh and Sukhbir Singh. Punjab has become a forest state. The Rajewal group is looting poor farmers and shopkeepers. Rs 500 per acre is being collected. Rs 3,000 per family is being collected. Billions of rupees have been looted from farmers. But thousands of accomplices of the looters are saying it is sacrificing of Rajewal for farming. The poor farmer was singing Rajewal's praises due to unconscious fear. Captain, the government is encouraging looting.

The Hindus of Punjab are very scared. It is feared that at the time of municipal elections, in any city, any Hindu voter, did not have the courage to cast his vote for a Hindu candidate, due to fear Kisan groups. Taking advantage of this, Captain's goonda Raj declared all, the Congress candidates as winners. No Hindu leader had the courage to object. Captain Sahib is using the Rajewal gang as a hoax.

The Rajewal gang is now dreaming of forming a government. The group is being strengthened through disinformation by allocating Ministeries, chairmanships and other posts. The Rajewal gang sees Hindus as an obstacle in forming their government. That is why, he hatred against Hindus. They are not talking about farmers. The Rajewal gang could not make a single point about the three agriculture bills which is detrimental to Punjab's agriculture, farming or economy. But passion is being created against Modi, BJP and RSS.

It is not only the Hindus of Punjab who are scared. The central government of India is also scared. Modi Sahib is scared. Amit Shah Ji is scared. It is out of this fear or politics, that They are befriending the Rajewal. Punjabis and Indians around the world do not understand that the Union government is befriending the Rajewal gang, the real culprit of the 22 charges. But as per the wishes of Rajewal Sahib, there is anger on some youngsters? While they are not directly guilty.

I am not criticizing Modi Sahib, Amit Shah. I have a lot of respect for their foreign policy. But I mention this because the Rajewal gang is so enthusiastic about this soft-hearted and generous Delhi that it can attack the Hindu community under any pretext any time. The reaction could be in Delhi and other Indian cities. This is what Badal, Captain, Congress High Command and comrade friends want. That is why all opposition political parties are   providing possible help to the Rajewal group.

This is not a Kisan Morcha. This is a national conspiracy. Almost all the opposition parties in India are partners in this conspiracy. Through this conspiracy, the National Opposition parties are moving towards the state level. But the Rajewal gang and comrade friends are moving towards the destruction of Punjab, the destruction of farmers, the destruction of Sikhs. That is their achievement. That is their victory. Despite such catastrophe, some gullible people will remain devotees of Rajewal Sahib. As in some circles even today Master Tara Singh is being revered.

My request to Modi Sahib, Amit Shah Ji is to shift the focus from generosity to the real facts. The real culprits must be brought to justice by abandoning the fearful friendship with the criminals. Cases against innocent should be withdrawn after investigation. Captain, the government needs to be dissolved immediately and Punjab needs to be handed over to a competent governor. Who has deep political experience? Have a close look at Punjab's heritage, history, politics, and politicians. The negligence used in this conspiracy is not only the destruction of Punjab. It can also draw lines on the map of India.

If a friend's heart has been hurt by these thoughts of mine, please forgive me. Harbans Singh Jalal.

For other related articles on Punjab Bhakhde Masle i.e. Kisan agitation anD the three agro bils, Whether these bills are boon or curse for Punjab agriculture and economy etc. BeAdbi of Shri GurI Granth Swahib Ji and related matters. Please go to PUNJAB DE BHADE MASLE.